Human Body Organs Printable

In this experiment you'll be making life-sized human body posters with the kids. Printable versions of the major organs and an organ function worksheet are included.
Human Body Organs (Printable)
Making Life-Sized Human Body Posters with the Kids
How To
We use big rolls of craft paper - simply lay out a sheet that's 4 or 5 feet long for each kid and have them lay down on it. Trace their body with a marker! Then, have them color each of the following organ .pdfs, cut it out and tape or glue it to their poster! (We recommend reducing the full sized printouts for this activity, as the full size organs probably won't fit in the body outline of most younger kids).
You could also label each organ on your poster for added detail. There are lots of directions to take this activity! Feel free to download and distribute these Human Body Organ Printables!
List of Printable PDF files
Worksheet: Match An Organ and Its Function
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